"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Friday, May 4, 2007

Today's washing

Whew! *pant* *pant* Wow, washing can take a lot out of you! Hehe, it's fun though. I got a shirt from a friend of mine a little while ago and it had to be washed first before I could wear it. It's all black, and boy, does it have a lot of black dye. Hehe, I soaked it a little bit in vinegar before I started to wash it, so that the dye doesn't bleed as bad. Anyways, that's today's washing story. (Right now it's drying in the dryer so I can wear it).


Anonymous said...

Hey I'm wearing a black shirt today. What do you know? And my dryer broke today...this is a pretty pointless comment but I wanted to see your blog, sorry it's taken so long to reply to your email, (school, finals, and graduation are coming up soon) that and I've been a little lazy. :) (if you call taking nearly a month to reply a little lazy, lol).

banderclip said...

yeah those shirts can bleed pretty bad. did it dye the dryer? dye as it's drying in the dryer? haha