"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Today's Project is....

Refinishing the kitchen table! Whew! It's a lot of work! (But it's rather fun)

First we took all of the old varnish off with this icky gooey stuff, it's pretty nasty. Then it dried overnight. So today we got sand paper and sand blocks to sand off the extra stuff that was still on the table. We've just finished up the table's top part. We took a nice break at Starbucks and got some coffee. I got a Mocha Frap. It was very tasty! So once we got home we started on the legs of the table and the underside of the table. And I'm taking a break, writing this post. =) If this had an assigned ticket, it would be listed as "In Progress".

1 comment:

banderclip said...

lol...yeah i wanna see the table. that's my devious plan for inviting myself over this weekend. :)