"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The City Scene

Ever wondered what the city life was like in downtown? Well.. let me introduce you to the city of Toronto! Smack dab in da center it looks like this:

These are apartments, and there were cranes around too.

One area where we had lunch sorta looked like this, lots of people, kind of like a mall.

Did you ever question (when you see a scene from NY) if there are really that many people? Well, it was exactly this at 4 pm in the afternoon on each corner! I fully believe that NY could be worse than Toronto.

Now, I didn't take these pictures, but I found these to show you a small bit of the City. Gilbert, Barb, and I were in downtown for an Adobe Creative Suite 4 class. We'll be going again next Friday.

1 comment:

Elicia said...

i like your view of toronto! i was just learning about it in school (mostly canada in general) so it's especially interesting to me.