"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Rubber Ducky: Monday Morning News Edition

It snowed all day yesterday! =D Well, it was mostly off and on, but it was so exciting! It didn't stick 'cause the ground was wet but that doesn't matter because the best part is seeing the snow flow down. It's just so nice to see! First snowfall of the year. A wonderful reminder that Christmas is coming! =D YAY!

I put up some photo frames and such in my room yesterday and on Saturday. It looks really good! I had to be creative with a few pictures actually. I have 3 on a mirror, centered in the middle. Two of them are black and white, and the middle one is sepia coloured. Then above my desk I put up two matte framed black and white photos, and there are two glass frames. The lower glass frame has a picure of me holding Annie while she was sleeping, and the higher frame has a beautiful picture of Dorinda and Rachel K., along with a photo of a pretty branch that has pink flowers on it. Anyways, I had fun.

(tee hee, how do ya like me post's title?)


Elicia said...

I do like reading what you write.

ams said...

i like the title! :) wow, snow...and it was in the 70's here, today! the difference in location and climate! :)