"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Monday, February 22, 2010

Have you ever..

"Scooped" your driveway of snow with a small plastic dust pan?! =D Well I just did. I guess it was the endorphins from exercise earlier in the day speaking, so i had the insanity to do it. Hey! I've been needing the exercise, and it's good cardio. =D No doubt might right arm and legs will kill me in the morning tomorrow, or most likely on Wednesday, but crazy people like me don't mind. It's good pain. Today was the first real winter storm we've had all season (three months late of course) and thus the need to do the drive way. What can I say? The snow shovel is in the van at the office, and I didn't want Dad to come home late this evening (as planned) and have to do the drive way. I also like to be out in the snow while is snowing. Yep, you can officially say I'm insane. =D And lovin' it!

Hm, now I'm hungry... Snack anyone?!


Unknown said...

I've never scooped a driveway... but I did shovel ours when it snowed here!

Treble said...

you had a good work out! way to go!