"...You have to decide, is it worth saving? You have to assess the damage. Is it even possible to repair?..."
So I came across this article by Glenn Beck, who has his own show on Fox TV. I'll give you a morsel of what he said, and I encourage you to read the whole thing. =)
"My grandfather wasn't a wealthy man. He didn't have much in the way of material things. So when he died, there wasn't a whole lot of stuff for the family to decide who gets this or that. But there was one thing I did ask for: a chair. He used to tell us stories in that chair. The chair was falling apart. My wife just had it completely refurbished. How much was it? I don't know and I don't want to know — probably cost much more than the chair was ever worth. You have to decide, is it worth saving? You have to assess the damage. Is it even possible to repair? You have to repair the major structural flaws; strip the layers of paint that covered up its natural beauty — seal it, protect it and restore its natural finish.That chair is America.It's getting old; it's been around. A lot of people have tried this chair out; a lot of people have painted over it, altered it, banged it up a little bit. And it's become pretty weak and wobbly. So what do we do? We have to decide: Is America worth saving? Do we want to go back to the founding principles of the country?..."
Keep Reading! =D
1 comment:
I like that guy. :)
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