"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." ~ Romans 8:38-39
"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Yay for sunshine!
It's a lovely day today! Perfect for a Saturday morning. Christy, Annie, and I have been outside, enjoying it. Annie's been drawing A's with her chalk on the cement. Josh is taking advantage of the sun too by mowing the lawn. I love that sound... lawnmowers in the springtime. You know when it's here by the lawnmowers. Hope you're having a great day too!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Mark This Day.
We now have socialized medicine in the United States.
United huh? We're split right down the middle. What happened to the will of the people? Maybe those two States (can't remember which ones) will sue the government like they promised if this passed! THAT's showing the will people right there! The government has just turned it's ear away from us.
Like Tim Hawkins said:
Who can take your money?
With a twinkle in their eye?
Take it all away and
Give it to some other guy
The Government
The Government can
Who can tax the Sun rise?
Who can tax the trees?
Let you run a business and
Collect up all the fees
The Government can 'cause
They mix it up with lies and
Make it all taste good!
The Government takes
Everything we make
To pay for all of their "sollutions"
Healthcare, Climate Change, Pollution
(Throw away the Constitution)
Who can give a bailout?
Tell us to behave?
Make the Founding Fathers
Roll over in their graves
The Government takes
Everything we make
They're power hungry
And malicious
The economics are fictitious
Soon we'll have to eat our dishes
Mmm! Delicious!
Who can be a failure?
In so many ways?
Instead of getting fired, HEY!
We'll give ourselves a raise!
The Government can 'cause
He mix it up with lies and
Make it all taste good!
And your Uncle Sam can 'cause
He mixes it with lies and
Makes it all taste good!
And I feel so good
Because the Government
Says I should
United huh? We're split right down the middle. What happened to the will of the people? Maybe those two States (can't remember which ones) will sue the government like they promised if this passed! THAT's showing the will people right there! The government has just turned it's ear away from us.
Like Tim Hawkins said:
Who can take your money?
With a twinkle in their eye?
Take it all away and
Give it to some other guy
The Government
The Government can
Who can tax the Sun rise?
Who can tax the trees?
Let you run a business and
Collect up all the fees
The Government can 'cause
They mix it up with lies and
Make it all taste good!
The Government takes
Everything we make
To pay for all of their "sollutions"
Healthcare, Climate Change, Pollution
(Throw away the Constitution)
Who can give a bailout?
Tell us to behave?
Make the Founding Fathers
Roll over in their graves
The Government takes
Everything we make
They're power hungry
And malicious
The economics are fictitious
Soon we'll have to eat our dishes
Mmm! Delicious!
Who can be a failure?
In so many ways?
Instead of getting fired, HEY!
We'll give ourselves a raise!
The Government can 'cause
He mix it up with lies and
Make it all taste good!
And your Uncle Sam can 'cause
He mixes it with lies and
Makes it all taste good!
And I feel so good
Because the Government
Says I should
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Puffs Plus and Me

Yep, that's right, Puffs Plus. =D I've been getting over a cold, and thankfully Puffs Plus is there to save my nose! I think after today I'll be continually be getting better.
I've not been doing a whole lot lately, but I've been really enjoying time with Annie lots. All of us have also been finishing up the baby's room, painting it blue with white trim. So nice! It makes the room really bright and that's good.
Well ta ta for now, til next time, etc. =D
Friday, March 5, 2010
America Is Like An Old Chair

"...You have to decide, is it worth saving? You have to assess the damage. Is it even possible to repair?..."
So I came across this article by Glenn Beck, who has his own show on Fox TV. I'll give you a morsel of what he said, and I encourage you to read the whole thing. =)
"My grandfather wasn't a wealthy man. He didn't have much in the way of material things. So when he died, there wasn't a whole lot of stuff for the family to decide who gets this or that. But there was one thing I did ask for: a chair. He used to tell us stories in that chair. The chair was falling apart. My wife just had it completely refurbished. How much was it? I don't know and I don't want to know — probably cost much more than the chair was ever worth. You have to decide, is it worth saving? You have to assess the damage. Is it even possible to repair? You have to repair the major structural flaws; strip the layers of paint that covered up its natural beauty — seal it, protect it and restore its natural finish.That chair is America.It's getting old; it's been around. A lot of people have tried this chair out; a lot of people have painted over it, altered it, banged it up a little bit. And it's become pretty weak and wobbly. So what do we do? We have to decide: Is America worth saving? Do we want to go back to the founding principles of the country?..."
Keep Reading! =D
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