"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I feel like I should write something profound, as I sit here in my warm, breezy room. But, alas and alack, it's just not comin' to me. So I guess you'll just have to be satisfied with my random thoughts I've had in the past 20 minutes as I looked around my room. Hehe.

1) Katie's bought me some CDs and is sending them up to me! Jars of Clay, and Jeremy Camp. Woohoo! Thanks Katie! =D

2) Man, Dr. Pepper is just too good!

3) I love those songs that remind me of the fun times with my friends and family.

4) Wow, I have lots of Tolkien books. Wonder how many?...

5) Soon I'll be able to put some pictures I've taken on my blog! Yay!

Well, there are my musings for the evening. =)


banderclip said...

thanks for the fun glimpse into your evening!

Elicia said...

did you get a camera or something?? yay photos! in the future at least. and how is your room breezy?? i don't quite understand. yeah.
ditto what banderclip said :)