The Weekend Happenings!
Last Friday we had Thanksgiving dinner, and that was really enjoyable! We had lots of

yummy food too ;) Turkey, mashed potatoes, candied yams, green beans, corn, stuffing, and cranberry sauce for dinner. For dessert there was pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake pie with chocolate chips in the middle, apple pie, pecan pie, and gingerbread cookies. The Harris family came over and we all had a good time together talking and hanging out. Jessica, their oldest, and I were looking at funny videos together. That was great! =D It was nice to just rest and enjoy our time.

Saturday we decorated the office! =D There's a real tree in the lobby, and it looks so pretty! We also decorated the front desk with some garland that has white lights in it. Outside there are some white and blue lights on the building. In the meeting room we have another tree that the children decorated, and it has colored lights on it. It's fun! In the Kitchen after decorating for a while we took a break and had some Hors de'Ourves, crackers with cheese, cookies, and other snacks with apple cider. The kids decorated some sugar cookies that Jessica H. and I made together the week before. When everything was finished, we watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Hehe, everyone enjoyed it.
Sounds like your Thanksgiving was pretty fun!
how fun! sounds like it was very nice! :) thanks for the ecard you sent me! it was pretty funny...though somewhat inaccurate! ;) hope you have a great Christmas!
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