"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Battlefield 2?

Some may question my sanity when they hear that I play a first person shooter game called Battlefield 2. Hehe, don't worry I don't get too crazy. ;) Well, I suppose if I was left alone it could get scary, but, then again, we won't talk about that...

I expanded my playing horizon's today! =D I actually tried to be a Medic, and was assault for a little while and I tried my hand at being a Squad leader. Neither were very successful at the time so I decided to stick to my usual, which is being support. I guess I like being support 'cause I don't have to reload my weapon too often and I like that. I usually end up panicking when all of a sudden my weapon's out of ammo and needing to be reloaded. I do know that I should switch to another weapon but that sometimes doesn't happen soon enough and I end up shot. Rats. That's all I can say. Although, I must say I'm improving my Grenade throwing skills! Yay! Now, trying to revive someone when you're a Medic is a whole other story... One of my all time favorites is being the Sniper. It's a blast! (Hehe, no pun intended *wink*) The reason being is because you're way up high, and no one can get to you too easily so I have free range of everyone in front of me. But, sometimes I have a problem getting more people 'cause I'm always looking through the scope, so it narrows my field of vision. I also like being able to take out tanks and such. Although I'm not a very experienced player at this time, I really enjoy playing.


Anonymous said...

Thats my sis!

Elicia said...

you are hilarious.