Lyrics of the Day:
"Don't spend today away, 'cause today will soon be gone.. Every day that we borrow brings us on step closer to the edge, infinity. Where's your treasure, where's your hope?.. Don't say "So long", your not that far gone, this could be your big chance to make up." ~ Switchfoot
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." ~ Romans 8:38-39
"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Happy Times!
I hope everyone had a fun and wonderful Christmas! We actually had a white Christmas, and it was our first one. Too cool! Hehe, that was fun. Our Christmas day was a nice family day and we didn't really go anywhere, just hung out together and watched Columbo. Daddy got that for Mom, and she was so happy. I'm so glad I got the Lord of the Rings books! And actually as I write this, I'm listening to Switchfoot. =D Thanks Pacascrat! And thanks Kindlynomad and Banderclip for your gifts! I loved them lots.
Yesterday the family went and saw the movie Marley and Me! It was fun! Of course sad in the end, but I love the story. And then Patrick treated us out to dinner. One of his Christmas gifts. =D
Well, till next post, Cheche (as the Kiwis say in New Zealand, meaning "bye")
Merry Christmas x10 Banderclip! =P I saw your comments
Yesterday the family went and saw the movie Marley and Me! It was fun! Of course sad in the end, but I love the story. And then Patrick treated us out to dinner. One of his Christmas gifts. =D
Well, till next post, Cheche (as the Kiwis say in New Zealand, meaning "bye")
Merry Christmas x10 Banderclip! =P I saw your comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas Cards, Shopping, and Decorating, Oh my!
This past weekend was quite a fast one. On Friday several of the staff got together at 4 to sign Christmas cards and then had some pizza. After having dinner we watched the Nativity Story. I absolutely love that movie! It's makes everything down to earth and understandable. It was also very beautifully put together.
Saturday Mom, Dad, and I went Christmas shopping too, and I was able to get some gifts. (No, I'm not going to list them, even though you might have though I would. *wink*) Although, I'll tell you that I did get some really nice trail shoes, and they were on sale! =P So they're good for when there's snow on the ground, but also for year round.
We have our tree up finally! =D Mom and I did it on Sunday. This year we have colour lights too. So pretty! It already has two gifts under it also! =D Soon I'll put a couple of mine under there.
Saturday Mom, Dad, and I went Christmas shopping too, and I was able to get some gifts. (No, I'm not going to list them, even though you might have though I would. *wink*) Although, I'll tell you that I did get some really nice trail shoes, and they were on sale! =P So they're good for when there's snow on the ground, but also for year round.
We have our tree up finally! =D Mom and I did it on Sunday. This year we have colour lights too. So pretty! It already has two gifts under it also! =D Soon I'll put a couple of mine under there.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
I'm so excited!! Today Daddy was nice and bought a cute small three foot Christmas tree so I could have it in my room. =D I have already set it up and decorated it. The nice thing was that it came with white lights already set up on it. =D I have some decorations that Mommy won't be using this year and put them on my tree. They're the nice white feather wreathes, snowflake mirrors, silver bows, and the small wooden angel ornaments. It looks sooooo pretty! =D I put my ballerina up on the top too. I can't wait for Christmas!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Busy busy busy!
So Thursday all day I was running this month's appeal letter through the folding and stuffing machine, and I got half way through. Then on Friday I pretty much finished them! Amazing! A day and half of standing and it's done! PLT!
After I finished the appeal Friday afternoon, at 2:30 Barb and I went bowling with other GFA families, and that was fun. =D I could really take that up and just have fun! Although, I don't know how much it costs. When bowling was finished, it was time for the Christmas party. The tables and room were very nice! There were red table cloths with some snow sprinkles, and a nice white runner across the table. And there were white candles lit by the poinsettias that were the center piece. And, *drum roll!* there was Lindt Lindor chocolates at each person's place! =D It's got to be the best chocolate!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Rubber Ducky presents.......
The Weekend Happenings!
Last Friday we had Thanksgiving dinner, and that was really enjoyable! We had lots of
yummy food too ;) Turkey, mashed potatoes, candied yams, green beans, corn, stuffing, and cranberry sauce for dinner. For dessert there was pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake pie with chocolate chips in the middle, apple pie, pecan pie, and gingerbread cookies. The Harris family came over and we all had a good time together talking and hanging out. Jessica, their oldest, and I were looking at funny videos together. That was great! =D It was nice to just rest and enjoy our time.
Saturday we decorated the office! =D There's a real tree in the lobby, and it looks so pretty! We also decorated the front desk with some garland that has white lights in it. Outside there are some white and blue lights on the building. In the meeting room we have another tree that the children decorated, and it has colored lights on it. It's fun! In the Kitchen after decorating for a while we took a break and had some Hors de'Ourves, crackers with cheese, cookies, and other snacks with apple cider. The kids decorated some sugar cookies that Jessica H. and I made together the week before. When everything was finished, we watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Hehe, everyone enjoyed it.
Last Friday we had Thanksgiving dinner, and that was really enjoyable! We had lots of

Monday, November 17, 2008
The Rubber Ducky: Monday Morning News Edition
It snowed all day yesterday! =D Well, it was mostly off and on, but it was so exciting! It didn't stick 'cause the ground was wet but that doesn't matter because the best part is seeing the snow flow down. It's just so nice to see! First snowfall of the year. A wonderful reminder that Christmas is coming! =D YAY!
I put up some photo frames and such in my room yesterday and on Saturday. It looks really good! I had to be creative with a few pictures actually. I have 3 on a mirror, centered in the middle. Two of them are black and white, and the middle one is sepia coloured. Then above my desk I put up two matte framed black and white photos, and there are two glass frames. The lower glass frame has a picure of me holding Annie while she was sleeping, and the higher frame has a beautiful picture of Dorinda and Rachel K., along with a photo of a pretty branch that has pink flowers on it. Anyways, I had fun.
(tee hee, how do ya like me post's title?)
I put up some photo frames and such in my room yesterday and on Saturday. It looks really good! I had to be creative with a few pictures actually. I have 3 on a mirror, centered in the middle. Two of them are black and white, and the middle one is sepia coloured. Then above my desk I put up two matte framed black and white photos, and there are two glass frames. The lower glass frame has a picure of me holding Annie while she was sleeping, and the higher frame has a beautiful picture of Dorinda and Rachel K., along with a photo of a pretty branch that has pink flowers on it. Anyways, I had fun.
(tee hee, how do ya like me post's title?)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
"Dun dun duuuuun"
This is what comes to mind today:
Wasn't it long ago
Wasn't it on a New England coast
Wasn't it the standard - people praying to
The Son and the Father and the Holy Ghost
One nation over God
Is that what we've now become?
The founding fathers left a noble legacy
To their sons and daughters
To their sons and daughters
Look at what we've done
Look at what we've done
Breakdown, breakdown, breakdown
As we learn to bite the hand
That tries to feed us
Breakdown, breakdown, breakdown
If we say that we are free
Who will believe us
If we breakdown, breakdown, breakdown
Breakdown, break
See the powder on the glass
See the pillow on the street
See the charter of a modern love
With no obligations...or promises to meet
Hear the fear of disease
Hear the baby never born
Hear a people crying out
"Somebody save us - oh, please somebody save us
From what we're headed for - from what we're headed for"
(Breakdown by Michael W. Smith)
Still, I praise God that He is in charge of all things! We are citizens of heaven =)
Monday, October 27, 2008
So..... "It's thaaat time of yeear.."
Yeah.. I admit that I've now officially started playing Christmas music.. Thanks to a fun friend Barb Whitman. It all started last Friday when I heard her playing some Christmas music, and then Ave Marie played. That's when I started remembering that I have Josh Groban's Noel cd, made for Christmas, and he sings that song so well. Anyways, so I've been listening to that cd and have now put on Michael W. Smith's Christmastime cd. I have an excuse though for playing them! Really, I do! It's been getting cooler out and it might even snow, or flurry tonight. Plus I was really tired so I wanted to play some comfort music while drinking a nice up of coffee. (Look out world... She's had coffee!)
BUT! I am not the only person to who starts Christmas music early! I'm sure that your local radio station KCBI might be playing some. If not, I bet that the Cortado's are soon to be playing it too. Hehe. So, I'm legit. ;) In their book.
I mean, come on.. is not that sparkling, splendid picture I've chosen enchanting enough to convince you?! I mean, look! , there are even presents in that glorious glimpse into the Christmas season and spirit! =D
Monday, October 13, 2008
Every Reason
This song by Smalltown Poets came to my mind yesterday:
There's a clever girl
Who wonders what voice to believe
When she hears all they have to say
Talking more and more of trusting Jesus
Is she testing, treading ,or drinking?
Isn't it apparent
That her thirsting is inherent?
She has
Every reason
To cup her hands beneath it
Taste the sweet release
Every reason
To satisfy and give her
Every reason to believe
There's an able girl
On the proving ground she finally found
The place to wash her fear away
With the gift of faith
The Holy Spirit there in wait
He draws her weary heart
Here to lose a million things
Forgotten as the fountain brings her
Every reason
To cup her hands beneath it
Taste the sweet release
Every reason
To satisfy and give her
Every reason to believe
There's a happy girl
The search for absolutes is over
A new beginning under way
Standing by the stream
A river bold, pure, and endless
It overflows and she has
Every reason
To cup her hands beneath it
Taste the sweet release
Every reason
To satisfy and give her
Every reason to believe
There's a clever girl
Who wonders what voice to believe
When she hears all they have to say
Talking more and more of trusting Jesus
Is she testing, treading ,or drinking?
Isn't it apparent
That her thirsting is inherent?
She has
Every reason
To cup her hands beneath it
Taste the sweet release
Every reason
To satisfy and give her
Every reason to believe
There's an able girl
On the proving ground she finally found
The place to wash her fear away
With the gift of faith
The Holy Spirit there in wait
He draws her weary heart
Here to lose a million things
Forgotten as the fountain brings her
Every reason
To cup her hands beneath it
Taste the sweet release
Every reason
To satisfy and give her
Every reason to believe
There's a happy girl
The search for absolutes is over
A new beginning under way
Standing by the stream
A river bold, pure, and endless
It overflows and she has
Every reason
To cup her hands beneath it
Taste the sweet release
Every reason
To satisfy and give her
Every reason to believe
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Yummy Dinner!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A Downtown Story
Dad took Mommy and I to a small town called St. Jacob, (hehe, I had thought the name was St. Joseph, but I was incorrect) It's quite a drive, but today was a great day to go because the weather was absolutely gorgeous! It was only 70 F and it was very sunny. The trees also looked quite beautiful in the light because of their blazing array of reds, oranges, and yellows. So lovely! (And I could say it can be addicting to some). Hehe, anyways, the drive is about an hour and a half along the scenic route, and it was very enjoyable. I would have taken pictures, but I didn't ask Patrick for his camera soon enough. Oh well, I just guess we'll have to go back then, right? =D
The Farmer's Market is quite fun too. There were lots of goodies from tons of vendors. It was very fun to see all of the homemade tasty foods that the many Amish farmer's had made. They had lots of maple treats, wonderful homemadejelly's, tasty breads, fruit, and a whole lot more! We got some baking pumpkins (3 for 1 dollar!), so there will be many pies to look forward to, Katie! =D We also got some breads, and Dad let me get some Maple Sugar candies. They are so good! If you really want to try one, you should go to Whole Foods and get one, they're worth it. ;)
In Town we got to see many small shops that were stuffed with so many neat little things to get and look at. It would take a whole 24 hours to go through and look at everything! =D There were antique shops, Amish shops that had absolutely beautiful handmade quilts, soaps, candles, decorations, and so many other things. Everything was all set up for the Fall season too, so that was a really neat addition to the small town effects. The bakery we went into had the most delectable smells of bread being made and cooked! I could almost imagine feeling the nice warm dough in my hands and working it because of the yeasty aroma in the bakery!
Well, I hope you enjoyed this post and could imagine what I saw today! =D
The Farmer's Market is quite fun too. There were lots of goodies from tons of vendors. It was very fun to see all of the homemade tasty foods that the many Amish farmer's had made. They had lots of maple treats, wonderful homemadejelly's, tasty breads, fruit, and a whole lot more! We got some baking pumpkins (3 for 1 dollar!), so there will be many pies to look forward to, Katie! =D We also got some breads, and Dad let me get some Maple Sugar candies. They are so good! If you really want to try one, you should go to Whole Foods and get one, they're worth it. ;)
In Town we got to see many small shops that were stuffed with so many neat little things to get and look at. It would take a whole 24 hours to go through and look at everything! =D There were antique shops, Amish shops that had absolutely beautiful handmade quilts, soaps, candles, decorations, and so many other things. Everything was all set up for the Fall season too, so that was a really neat addition to the small town effects. The bakery we went into had the most delectable smells of bread being made and cooked! I could almost imagine feeling the nice warm dough in my hands and working it because of the yeasty aroma in the bakery!
Well, I hope you enjoyed this post and could imagine what I saw today! =D
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Drum roll please!
I'm in Canada now!! It's so nice here! The weather is perfect and the scenery is gorgeous. Niagara falls is absolutely insane.. all of that water.. wow! It looks so cool to see it flowing, and then go over the edge of cliff it's on.
My travels went well also. I had no problems at all. In Atlanta Georgia I had some Popeye's chicken and mashed potatoes and got some Seattle's Best coffee, a cappuccino in fact. If you're interested in a bit of information, Seattle's Best is also based and was started in the Pike's Place Market in Seattle. Same market place Starbucks was started. Anyways, so after I got onto the plane in Atlanta, I had a 1 1/2 hour flight to Buffalo NY. Buffalo is really nice too! All of the crossing the boarder stuff was fine too.
Keep looking at my blog for random updates! =D I plan on posting often.
My travels went well also. I had no problems at all. In Atlanta Georgia I had some Popeye's chicken and mashed potatoes and got some Seattle's Best coffee, a cappuccino in fact. If you're interested in a bit of information, Seattle's Best is also based and was started in the Pike's Place Market in Seattle. Same market place Starbucks was started. Anyways, so after I got onto the plane in Atlanta, I had a 1 1/2 hour flight to Buffalo NY. Buffalo is really nice too! All of the crossing the boarder stuff was fine too.
Keep looking at my blog for random updates! =D I plan on posting often.
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Oh Canada..."

"I'm leaving on a jet plane..."
I'm headed up to Canada on Saturday! So exciting! I can't wait to see Mom and Dad when they come to pick me up. My flight leaves at 8:30 am from Dallas to Atlanta Georgia, arriving in Atlanta at 11:40 am. I plan to have lunch, and then get back on the plane at 1:40 pm and head to Buffalo New York, where I'll be picked up. So I've been gradually packing, and I'll be all packed up by Friday. =) Too cool...
Mom and Dad have been very nice and have painted my new room and got me a nice bed frame too. I can't wait to see it! Then I'll be able to decorate to my heart's content! I have so many ideas.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Difference. It's that Plain and Simple.

So, Christy came across this somewhere and I asked her to send it to me so I could put it up for you all to read. You want to know what John McCain, Barrack Obama, and Hilary Clinton are really like? This will answer all questions from here on out. =) Guaranteed!
John McCain, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama were walking down a street when
they came upon a homeless man.
John McCain gave the man his business card and told him to come to his office for a job. He then took $20 out of his pocket and gave it to the man.
Hilary Clinton didn't want to be outdone, so when they came across a second homeless man she walked up to him. She gave him directions to the welfare office and reached into John McCain's pocket and came up with $20. She kept $15 for her administrative fees and gave the homeless man $5.
Coming across a third homeless man, Barack Obama went up to him and told him to "have hope, change is coming" and gave him nothing.
Now do you understand the difference?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Battlefield 2?

Some may question my sanity when they hear that I play a first person shooter game called Battlefield 2. Hehe, don't worry I don't get too crazy. ;) Well, I suppose if I was left alone it could get scary, but, then again, we won't talk about that...
I expanded my playing horizon's today! =D I actually tried to be a Medic, and was assault for a little while and I tried my hand at being a Squad leader. Neither were very successful at the time so I decided to stick to my usual, which is being support. I guess I like being support 'cause I don't have to reload my weapon too often and I like that. I usually end up panicking when all of a sudden my weapon's out of ammo and needing to be reloaded. I do know that I should switch to another weapon but that sometimes doesn't happen soon enough and I end up shot. Rats. That's all I can say. Although, I must say I'm improving my Grenade throwing skills! Yay! Now, trying to revive someone when you're a Medic is a whole other story... One of my all time favorites is being the Sniper. It's a blast! (Hehe, no pun intended *wink*) The reason being is because you're way up high, and no one can get to you too easily so I have free range of everyone in front of me. But, sometimes I have a problem getting more people 'cause I'm always looking through the scope, so it narrows my field of vision. I also like being able to take out tanks and such. Although I'm not a very experienced player at this time, I really enjoy playing.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Of Painting and a LAN party
Josh, Christy and I started painting the kitchen! =D It looks wonderful! Christy's going for a coffee house type of style in there. Soon we can add some colourful curtains for accent colours. We'll also paint the dining room a nice red colour above the trim and put a wallpaper below that will match it nicely. After the whole house is fixed up over time it will look absolutely marvelous! If you ever want to excersise your muscles, do some painting! =D
Friday night Josh hosted a Quake 3 LAN party for JD, Alex, Preston, Bion, and Sam. Hehe, it was fun to hear them all while they played. Whenever some one said "Oooh!!" you knew they'd gotten fragged by an opposing player. They played till just about 2 am. Christy and I went to Starbucks for a little bit while they were getting their games started. It was fun! She got a while vanilla Latte and I got a caramel Latte. We browsed through some of the things that were on sale too. They always have really good deals. Anyways, we got home and went into her room and watched an episode of a TV show we both like. After that I went into my room and read until about 2 am. (Yeah, yeah, I know, "Bad Jessica" as some might say) Anyways we all had fun that evening. =)
Friday night Josh hosted a Quake 3 LAN party for JD, Alex, Preston, Bion, and Sam. Hehe, it was fun to hear them all while they played. Whenever some one said "Oooh!!" you knew they'd gotten fragged by an opposing player. They played till just about 2 am. Christy and I went to Starbucks for a little bit while they were getting their games started. It was fun! She got a while vanilla Latte and I got a caramel Latte. We browsed through some of the things that were on sale too. They always have really good deals. Anyways, we got home and went into her room and watched an episode of a TV show we both like. After that I went into my room and read until about 2 am. (Yeah, yeah, I know, "Bad Jessica" as some might say) Anyways we all had fun that evening. =)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Today I saw a double rainbow as Mom and I were leaving the Mall. It was absolutely stunning! The sun was setting, and to the east there was some rain sprinkling down and it was grey and periwinkle blue behind the rainbows, with their vibrant colours. Then when you looked the opposite direction it was just a magnificent array of beautiful purples, pinks, a bit of grey, and orange. I got to thinking of how wonderfully creative our Lord is by putting those opposite colors together to make the rainbow look so marvelously brilliant and to make the sky all around so beautiful. Even the shapes of the clouds were perfect in their places! This song came to mind as I was writing this out.
You Do All Things Well
Mountain maker
Ocean tamer
Glimpses of You
Burn in my eyes
The worship of heaven
Fills up the skies
You made it all
Said, "let there be"
And there was
All that we see
The sound of Your voice
The works of Your hands
You do all things well
Star creator
Wind breather
The strokes of Your beauty
Brushed through the clouds
Light from the heavens
Touching the ground
Imagination runs wild
And breathes the breath of life
Across the fields
Across the miles
You made it all
Said, "let there be"
And there was
All that we see
The sound of Your voice
The works of Your hands
You do all things well
Praise the Lord! He does do all things well.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A New Niece!
Yaaay! I'm excited to report that Annie Rose Hewitt was born today and she was 18 inches long and 6lbs 2oz, born around 2:00 pm today! She is very very sweet. We still can't decide who she looks most like, but she's pretty much a good mix of both her parents. =D Christy and Josh are very proud and happy parents of their little first born daughter.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The move went well! The IT guys helped put things into the truck, and stuffed it! It was only a 17ft truck. Hehe. I don't think we had too much stuff since we downsized quite a bit. Mom and Dad were able to get donuts for everyone! They were tastey. Anyways, yeah, so it went really well and now I'm over at the Hewitts and Patrick is at Sam's place. There's da scoop for ya!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Da Big Move is Today!
Yep! I can't believe it's finally here... I'm just about to pack up my Mac actually. Then I'll finish things up in the room and see what Mom and Dad are doing. They're going to get donuts for when the IT guys come to help move the big stuff. Katie and Christy will be over soon too! =D I'll be spending the night at Cally's. It'll be a lot of fun! I'll post again soon and tell ya all about the move.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Good Song
...To all of the people with burdens and pains
Keeping you back from your life
You believe that there's nothing
And there is no one who can make it right
There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary,
Love for the broken hearts
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus
...When you're lonely
And it feels like the whole world is falling on you
You just reach out,
You just cry out to Jesus
Cry to Jesus
Keeping you back from your life
You believe that there's nothing
And there is no one who can make it right
There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary,
Love for the broken hearts
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus
...When you're lonely
And it feels like the whole world is falling on you
You just reach out,
You just cry out to Jesus
Cry to Jesus
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
"Beta Invites for Aviary are here!!"
Yaaaaay!! I'm so excited!
"Your account has been granted access to Phoenix, our web-based image editor and Peacock, our pattern generator and 5 invitations. If you create something cool, help find bugs or make suggestions, we'll also grant you access to additional tools and invitations."
They sent me this email today. I had completely forgotten that I'd applied for an account. It will be so much fun! I hope that it won't take to long to figure out how to use.
This is there website: It's really really cool!! Thanks Sam for telling me about it. =D
"Your account has been granted access to Phoenix, our web-based image editor and Peacock, our pattern generator and 5 invitations. If you create something cool, help find bugs or make suggestions, we'll also grant you access to additional tools and invitations."
They sent me this email today. I had completely forgotten that I'd applied for an account. It will be so much fun! I hope that it won't take to long to figure out how to use.
This is there website: It's really really cool!! Thanks Sam for telling me about it. =D
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to all the Daddys! =D So fun. We're planning on grilling this afternoon.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Today's Project is....
Refinishing the kitchen table! Whew! It's a lot of work! (But it's rather fun)
First we took all of the old varnish off with this icky gooey stuff, it's pretty nasty. Then it dried overnight. So today we got sand paper and sand blocks to sand off the extra stuff that was still on the table. We've just finished up the table's top part. We took a nice break at Starbucks and got some coffee. I got a Mocha Frap. It was very tasty! So once we got home we started on the legs of the table and the underside of the table. And I'm taking a break, writing this post. =) If this had an assigned ticket, it would be listed as "In Progress".
First we took all of the old varnish off with this icky gooey stuff, it's pretty nasty. Then it dried overnight. So today we got sand paper and sand blocks to sand off the extra stuff that was still on the table. We've just finished up the table's top part. We took a nice break at Starbucks and got some coffee. I got a Mocha Frap. It was very tasty! So once we got home we started on the legs of the table and the underside of the table. And I'm taking a break, writing this post. =) If this had an assigned ticket, it would be listed as "In Progress".
Friday, May 30, 2008
House things
This past week has been busy with house projects! =) I've been working on getting everything that I won't need for a while all packed up and ready to be moved up to Canada. Mom has also been doing lots of packing in her room, kitchen, living room and dining room. I was helping her the other day with cleaning up the grout for the tile in the kitchen. The only thing you need is vinegar and baking soda! Then everything will come up looking all nice and clean. The only down side is, it's rather hard to get all of the baking soda up. When the floor drys, then there might still be some chalky powder left and then you have to clean it up again. But, it has it's great reward of a nice clean kitchen floor. =)Josh has been also working on some house things. He was so glad to do some wall repairs and to be able to put in some new caulking. He likes how everything looks when the projects are done, which makes sense because it always looks so nice when it's finished. It's fun to watch and learn how he does things. =) I've always liked to watch people work. Anyways, everythings all comin' together! Christy's also been looking for some paint ideas for the house. I think she's almost decided what she wants for the kitchen. I'll be able to help her paint! I love being able to do that! =D yay! I can tell already that the house is going to look so lovely when it's all finished.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Now sit right back as I bust a rhyme,
I've got the freshest beats and I'm always on time,
I'm the baddest of the best,
Yeah I'm the king.
Master of beats and the cross-fader...
I'm the DJ He's the Rapper,
And the Homeboys try to step,
I'm the DJ He's the Rapper,
In the valley of the shadow of Def.
Yo. Yo, Homeboys come and Homeboys go,
But I still kick the Latin Lingo,
Mi Espanol es no mui bueno...
...I've got all my teeth capped,
Chains to show my wealth,
And I check myself,
Before I wreck myself...
Well my name is Frankie T, and I'm here to talk,
About the meaning of Five Minute Walk.
Some say its "wac",
Some say it's "ill",
Myself, Homeboy, thinks it's pretty "chill".
Turn off the TV,
Put down the phone,
Go talk to JC and be alone.
Talk to Him five minutes a day,
He won't wig out or "give you play",
He will not dis you in the end,
In fact JC's my freshest friend.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
All I can say is:
"Let the sun shine, let the sun shine! Let the sun shine in!!"
Hehe, I was hoping that it would be a sunny day today, but alas and Alaska, it's cloudy. Isn't there a saying something along the lines of "April Showers and May Flowers"? Whatever happened to that?! But, I suppose I do enjoy anticipating a bit of a thunderstorm.
Hehe, I was hoping that it would be a sunny day today, but alas and Alaska, it's cloudy. Isn't there a saying something along the lines of "April Showers and May Flowers"? Whatever happened to that?! But, I suppose I do enjoy anticipating a bit of a thunderstorm.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Privileged Duckies
So my sister sent me a link to a webpage the other day of a picture. I had no clue as to what it was, but then the page opened. Lo and behold! There were some really cute rubber ducks on a wedding cake! It was so surprising and so fun that I was just laughing when I saw it. They were so perfect looking on the cake!

Monday, April 14, 2008
Of Storms and Showers
Hi All,
Hehe, yeah so I better blog otherwise I might hear some noise soon.
I had a very interesting Wednesday and Thursday this past week. There were storms galour. On Wednesday it wasn't too bad but it was loud (with the added effect of some hail during the night). Then, on Thursday night, major storms were a-rollin' in. Many counties were under tornado watches and severe thunderstorm warnings set up by the Weather Service. I didn't think too much of it then, although I knew it was coming our way in Carrollton. So I went to bed. All of a sudden, at 3:30 am, I woke up to the terrifying and almost creepy sound of the tornado siren. It's always reminded me of the air raid sirens from the World Wars. I quickly got up and went to see where everyone was. They were all up and about by the bathroom right by my bedroom. The tv was on and we were keeping an eye on the weather. Then the power went out, and we rushed to get some candles lit. It was out for a good 15 or 20 minutes actually. Thankfully Patrick has some radios/walkie-talkies that are always connected to the weather sation. After a while the lights came back on and we turned the tv back on to see what was going on. Most of the worst was over finally and I watched the weather till about 4:30 and then went back to bed. The next day, apperantly the Storm Chasers finally concluded there had actually been several minor tornados in the Carrollton area. That's a first in my 9 years of being in Texas. I praise the Lord that we are all safe and alive. And that we still have places to live.
We had a nice weekend! It's been cool lately. Saturday Christy and Teressa had a babyshower! It was sooo cute! The decorations were very well done and the cakes were oustanding. Christy got lots of cute things for Annie. She's going to have a wonderful room! Teressa also got lots of very cute things for Eva too. =D It was just so fun... we all had a great time.
(Whew! I hope you made it all of the way through the post! it was long!)
Hehe, yeah so I better blog otherwise I might hear some noise soon.
I had a very interesting Wednesday and Thursday this past week. There were storms galour. On Wednesday it wasn't too bad but it was loud (with the added effect of some hail during the night). Then, on Thursday night, major storms were a-rollin' in. Many counties were under tornado watches and severe thunderstorm warnings set up by the Weather Service. I didn't think too much of it then, although I knew it was coming our way in Carrollton. So I went to bed. All of a sudden, at 3:30 am, I woke up to the terrifying and almost creepy sound of the tornado siren. It's always reminded me of the air raid sirens from the World Wars. I quickly got up and went to see where everyone was. They were all up and about by the bathroom right by my bedroom. The tv was on and we were keeping an eye on the weather. Then the power went out, and we rushed to get some candles lit. It was out for a good 15 or 20 minutes actually. Thankfully Patrick has some radios/walkie-talkies that are always connected to the weather sation. After a while the lights came back on and we turned the tv back on to see what was going on. Most of the worst was over finally and I watched the weather till about 4:30 and then went back to bed. The next day, apperantly the Storm Chasers finally concluded there had actually been several minor tornados in the Carrollton area. That's a first in my 9 years of being in Texas. I praise the Lord that we are all safe and alive. And that we still have places to live.
We had a nice weekend! It's been cool lately. Saturday Christy and Teressa had a babyshower! It was sooo cute! The decorations were very well done and the cakes were oustanding. Christy got lots of cute things for Annie. She's going to have a wonderful room! Teressa also got lots of very cute things for Eva too. =D It was just so fun... we all had a great time.
(Whew! I hope you made it all of the way through the post! it was long!)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
!Breaking news!

Today there was a sighting of a young woman aged 19 years old was found with a 32 oz cup of McDonalds carmel Premium Roast Iced Coffee! It has been announced by the Authorites to the public to please stay indoors at all times until she has been found and sedated for an extended amount of time. At this time there has been no new information, but if you have seen this young woman, please call 1-800-HELP ME!.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I have a new bin I am able to keep all of my art supplies in now! Yay! I've needed it for a long time. It's almost full actually. Anyways, yeah I'm happy about that. And I was able to get some nice shoes as a present from Mom and Dad for my birthday.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
It's the 6th of March...
And it's snowing!! =D Amazing right?! We also had snow on the evening of the 3rd. It was so fun! I got to take some really cool pictures. I'm so exited! We have the rest of the day off at the office. Hehe. So fun....
======== O *Pow!*
got ya! Can you taste the snow?
======== O *Pow!*
got ya! Can you taste the snow?
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
MP3's and their players
Yay! So I ordered a black SanDisk Sansa mp3 player! It has 6 gigs and it has an SD slot! I hope that I get it soon. I found it on My cd player's dying so I decided to keep up with technology instead of buying a new portable cd player. And, since it's an mp3 player, I can put lots of really fun songs that I like that are older songs! I'll definitely put Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head in the player!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
This is my favorite children's poem! I remember Mom reading it to me. She's such a good reader too!
Winken, Blinken, and Nod
Winken, Blinken, and Nod one night
Sailed off in a wooden shoe --
Sailed off on a river of crystal light,
Into a sea of dew.
"Where are you going, and what do you wish?"
The old moon asked the three.
"We have come to fish for the herring fish
That live in the beautiful sea;
Nets of silver and gold have we!"
Said Winken, Blinken, and Nod.
The old moon laughed and sang a song,
As they rocked in the wooden shoe,
And the wind that sped them all night long
Ruffled the waves of dew.
The little stars were the herring fish
That lived in the beautiful sea --
"Now cast your nets wherever you wish --
Never afeard are we";
So cried the stars to the fisherman three:
Winken, Blinken, and Nod.
All night long their nets they threw
To the stars in the twinkling foam --
Then down from the skies came the wooden shoe
Bringing the fisherman home;
'Twas all so pretty a sail it seemed
As if it could not be,
And some folks thought 'twas a dream they'd dreamed
Of sailing that beautiful sea --
But I shall name you the fishermen three:
Winken, Blinken, and Nod.
Winken and Blinken are two little eyes,
And Nod is a little head,
And the wooden shoes that sailed the skies
Is the wee one's trundle-bed.
So shut your eyes while mother sings
Of wonderful sights that be,
And you shall see the beautiful things
As you rock in the misty sea,
Where the old shoe rocked the fisherman three:
Winken, Blinken, and Nod.
poem by Eugene Field
Winken, Blinken, and Nod
Winken, Blinken, and Nod one night
Sailed off in a wooden shoe --
Sailed off on a river of crystal light,
Into a sea of dew.
"Where are you going, and what do you wish?"
The old moon asked the three.
"We have come to fish for the herring fish
That live in the beautiful sea;
Nets of silver and gold have we!"
Said Winken, Blinken, and Nod.
The old moon laughed and sang a song,
As they rocked in the wooden shoe,
And the wind that sped them all night long
Ruffled the waves of dew.
The little stars were the herring fish
That lived in the beautiful sea --
"Now cast your nets wherever you wish --
Never afeard are we";
So cried the stars to the fisherman three:
Winken, Blinken, and Nod.
All night long their nets they threw
To the stars in the twinkling foam --
Then down from the skies came the wooden shoe
Bringing the fisherman home;
'Twas all so pretty a sail it seemed
As if it could not be,
And some folks thought 'twas a dream they'd dreamed
Of sailing that beautiful sea --
But I shall name you the fishermen three:
Winken, Blinken, and Nod.
Winken and Blinken are two little eyes,
And Nod is a little head,
And the wooden shoes that sailed the skies
Is the wee one's trundle-bed.
So shut your eyes while mother sings
Of wonderful sights that be,
And you shall see the beautiful things
As you rock in the misty sea,
Where the old shoe rocked the fisherman three:
Winken, Blinken, and Nod.
poem by Eugene Field
Friday, February 22, 2008
My little Niece!
I saw my Sister's blog today and she had a picture of her soon to be born daughter on there. She's going to be so cute! She'll be such a bundle of joy and sunshine! =D We all can't wait to see her!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I love sunny days, or at least it's mostly sunny.
So, what do you like to do when there's not much going on and you're at home all day? =) Right now I'm listening to some music that the Bent Tree Bible Fellowship sings. (A lovely thing iTunes is). I'll have to figure out what to do after that... Yesterday I watched Star Trek VI: An Undiscovered Country on YouTube. It's a movie that was made in 1991. Anyways, what do you do?
So, what do you like to do when there's not much going on and you're at home all day? =) Right now I'm listening to some music that the Bent Tree Bible Fellowship sings. (A lovely thing iTunes is). I'll have to figure out what to do after that... Yesterday I watched Star Trek VI: An Undiscovered Country on YouTube. It's a movie that was made in 1991. Anyways, what do you do?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
"All you need is love..."
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Pop Quiz!
When was Johnny Cash born, when did he die, and at what age did he die?
(answer in the "Comments")
(answer in the "Comments")
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Water and DNA
Mmm! It is the fountain of life! Especially when it's really dry outside. Hehe.
I've found a book online about DNA typing (a.k.a. DNA profiling) in the forensic science field. It's really interesting. Lemme tell ya, we've come a very long way since the 80's! You used to have to wait for 6 to 8 weeks before there were any results. Talk about torture... Anyways yes, I am rather fascinated by forensics and the details and results. O =D
I've found a book online about DNA typing (a.k.a. DNA profiling) in the forensic science field. It's really interesting. Lemme tell ya, we've come a very long way since the 80's! You used to have to wait for 6 to 8 weeks before there were any results. Talk about torture... Anyways yes, I am rather fascinated by forensics and the details and results. O =D
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Indian tea! Aaahh! So yummy in the mornings when it's cold. Today's high's only about 36 degrees.... makes me want to say: "bbbbrrrrr!!"
Monday, January 14, 2008
Mom, Patrick and I played Scrabble this morning! =D It was fun. I kept getting either all vowels or several consonants and not many vowels, but I got some pretty good words out. Mom did a very good job! Hehe, she creamed us! Patrick did a very good job too, he got lots of points and really good words out. Anyways, yeah so we had a battle of Scrabble, and it was very nice.
Friday, January 11, 2008
I got some really nice fashion boots today! =D I was really happy 'cause I was hoping to find some this season. They're ankle high and black with some gold. Sweet deal...
Yeah, I know... I've been a slacker in posting. So here's something else in this week's news headline: I found a realy good deal on a Trek mountain bike! I hope the guy emails me or calls me so I can check it out on Saturday. =D
Yeah, I know... I've been a slacker in posting. So here's something else in this week's news headline: I found a realy good deal on a Trek mountain bike! I hope the guy emails me or calls me so I can check it out on Saturday. =D
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
It's my birthday! I can't believe it! And it's 2008 now, I'll have to get used to the date. Hehe. I hope every one has a wonderful New Year's day!
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