"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Am I practicing?

On the way to work today I had the chance to listen to a message by Pastor Alistair Begg of Truth For Life Ministries. He's been going through the book of Proverbs recently and it has been incredible! I haven't read Proverbs in a while so I had forgotten how many helpful statements of truth and advice there are inside. Almost like eating a delicious morsel of food that you'd not tasted in forever and you ask yourself why you'd stopped eating it in the first place.

Now, the book of Proverbs, as you know, is a book of counseling and teaching, as a father to his son for the protection of the child he loves dearly. There are many subjects covered, but over all they are each concluded with fairly black and white contrasts between someone who fears the Lord and one who doesn't.  With that in mind, I'll continue with my thought.

 Towards the end of the sermon, Pastor Begg, in essence, addressed the question of how God's people can actively avoid the follies of sin that are described by King Solomon. There is a genuine desire, as a follower of God, to stay away from those things that entangle us so easily. We, I, wonder how not to be enticed by sin. God will ask for an account of our actions in the end, and we would like to be found faithful. But how? The advice he gave amazed me. It was so simple, yet profound.

Remember: God is always watching over us even if we forget. Practice the presence of God. Live that reality each day.

As soon as he said those words I was stunned. I mean, I've heard the concept before and tried my attempt at it, yet not in a very committed way because I'd thought of the "presence of the Lord" like a separate sanctuary that I had to be purposeful in visiting. But I hadn't heard of practicing the presence of God context of the fear of the Lord in such a way as Pastor Begg stated.

I've still not gotten over the fact that literally living daily in God's presence will do so many things to radically change my life. Currently, in context of the book Proverbs, that statement brings the proper fear of the Lord into my heart that I've never before understood. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." (Prov. 9:10)

It's a sober thought to live each day knowing that God is watching. Yet at the same time, I am so filled with peace knowing it because this knowledge made into daily action through the Spirit's power is what can protect me from enticing flesh and it's desires!  That is why it is such a crucial thing to never forget that God sees. Also, I have even more peace with it because I know that I will be found faithful! I don't have to worry or fret about the fact that God will ask for an account of my life because I will have done all things according to His desires, because I have His Spirit living within me!

I am also filled with joy at this thought! Why? Because I have been set free through Christ and He's given His Spirit to help me understand the fullness of who God is! Proverbs 9:10 has even greater meaning. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

So, I ask myself again, am I practicing the presence of God? =) 

Beautiful days

I thought I'd send some sunshine your way!

Thursday, May 15, 2014


My friend over at ninjacat12890.wordpress.com  is getting married in June!

The bridesmaids got together and figured out what we could to to surprise the guest of honor, since she was to be in the dark about the details. Since she's very much an artist, we pooled our resources and the bridal shower turned out beautiful!  Thankfully, we had an insider who could sneak in the artwork the bride had created, so we spread that around the cafe along with the engagement photos.
We all had a wonderful time!