"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Friday, June 22, 2012

Presenting!..(..drum roll please..) Colorado!

And you never thought I'd really post.. ;) Hehe.  Yes! Here is the long awaited story of The Trip to Colorado. It was a whirlwind of a time and we had a blast!

Thursday evening we packed up and left at 6pm and started our epic journey to the Rocky Mountains, starting off with some tunes and the stretch of Texas roads.

We traveled through Wichita and Amarillo, through New Mexico, then on to Lafayette CO. Along the way we passed a church called Cowboy Church of Denton. Ranch style and everything! Only in Texas, right? ;) For dinner we stopped at a Sonic at 8:30pm out in the boondocks and checked on our friend, now infamously known as The Sandbox, to see if he was still tied down. We heard the ropes rattling too much while we drove. The farther north we got, the cooler it got as well. We were all bundled in sweaters and had the heater on a bit. At O'dark 30 in New Mexico we stopped for gas and piled out of the warm car in a Native American village, when lo and behold! there was actually snow on the ground! The wind was blowing really cold too, and we all felt bad for those of us who were not acclimated to such weather. A few snowballs were tossed as well, hehe. So snow discovered, frostbite setting in, we got back into the car, thawed out and continued on into Colorado until 4 am in the morning. Why only til 4? The Sandbox. It was contentedly rattling on top of the car at 80mph and all of a sudden we heard a disquieting "thunk!!" and we were sure it was gone. We pulled the car over and sure enough it'd fled the scene. Patrick and Alley decided to go look for it back down the interstate since The Sandbox was to be a birthday present, plus we had actually got it this far on our trip without losing it. Every now and then I could see the flicker of the flashlight and it wasn't growing any closer. Then I couldn't see it. Finally after approximately 25 minutes they made it back, The Sandbox in tow.  While the rest of us had been waiting, we were sure it was doomed to be lost on the interstate forever. I was also praying for them to not be killed on the road, what with Big Rigs howling beside us, and the possibility The Sandbox was in the middle of the road. Sure enough, they did find that thing in the middle of the road so my prayers were justified ;) Thankfully it was pretty much without scratch or dent. 20 more minutes of tying it down and we were on our way again.  As the sun peered over what we could now tell were the Rocky Mountains, we entered into the city of Denver! The GPS was concerned that we'd not listen and "Stay Left", while we drove the freeway in Denver. It didn't want us exiting at the wrong point. But we made it to the proper exit, stopped at Starbucks, and by 7:30 am we were finally at the Hewitts! Patrick promptly crashed on the couch, Katie and Alley rested in the basement, and Christy made breakfast for the rest of us. (With a stout Cup 'o Joe so we could survive the rest of the day). I wish I had pictures of these momentous occasions, but I don't. Anyways, that was our journey up to Colorado! 

Now for our time up there...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"We are the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything!"

"..And if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you ' We don't do anything' "

Yeah, that sums it up sometimes. =) Today I've not done lots, but I went to church with Patrick this morning. Afterwards we went to Starbucks, got some frappuccinos and talked for a while about different things on our minds.  We got a free book to from church too! =) Then we went to a nice "pond" that has a walk way around it and talked some more. It's a very nice day out and so that was enjoyable.

At the moment, Alley and Katie are working on a snoopy puzzle. Music in the background is from Alley's IPod and it's quite a range of music. Anything from Wicked to Disney films to Phantom of the Opera. =) 

Later us girls will be going to Panera Bread Company to have a nice dinner, thanks to a gift card from Amazon since Katie had rewards with them.

So, I guess you could say we aren't exactly pirates who don't do anything ;)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What to do?..

I am out of ideas for that question.. but, I'm currently sitting on the cozy couch keeping up with the latest Seattle Mariners game, eating Reese's Pieces, after having run (not literally though) to the local Lowe's Home Improvement store and an interestingly observational time while eating dinner at Micky D's hamburger joint. (Double cheeseburger, small fries, and a medium Dr. Pepper, with an Oreo McFlurry for the road)

"Why", I'm sure you're asking," would you be in the home improvement store?" Well, I had 8 key's made. =) I'd say that's a record in my book for how many keys to be made all in one sitting. I also got a scraping razor to take a sticker that was on the back of my car off.  I'm a strange one, but I do love that store. It's probably because of all the practical things they have and the chance to learn and discover interesting tools. It's also inspirational. Dangerous place to take me if I could get things there.... hehe.

Did you know McDonald's is a place for grown ups just as much as it is for kids? I discovered this tonight while watching customers come in. You can find out quickly how people are as they order their food. I usually observe this while at my own work, but it's different being on the other side of the counter having got your order and noticing it. Personalities come out a touch more when there is a new-1st day-on-the-job cashier. I told her before I left that she'll do great, just takes time. =) I'm not usually a "stocker" but I guess I was in a contemplative mood again. 

I've had a good week, although tiring, with work and play. Saturday evening a few of us went to a cool knife, blade, and gun store and we oo'd and aah'd at the things they had. Swords, blowguns, throwing stars and knives, replica blades from movies and fantasy sci-fi games, and the like.  After that we  collected  one more person and went to Chic-fil-a for dinner. Seeing as they don't open on Sunday (the day most people want Chic-fil-a), we figured we'd better get our fill. =)

I will post about our Colorado trip, I promise! We had a great time sight seeing and visiting with the Hewitts. I think the five of us (Katie, Patrick, Alley, Tim, and I) are still recovering from our excursion to Colorado so we've not done much lately.  Tuesday I got to talk to the kiddos on the phone! That was great! Tomorrow evening there is a movie night/fun,food, and fellowship thing planned so that will be nice to do. =) 

So there's today's "day in the life of Jessica".  =) I need to make a goal of blogging every week I think.. Or either that to have a medium Dr. Pepper each week so I'll be more inclined to write ;) Sugar can do that.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I sit beside the fire and think...

I'm currently sitting on my couch, listening to music, the sounds of thunder and rain outside are in the background, and it makes me think of this poem that Tolkien wrote. I felt like writing something, but I didn't know what so this poem describes it best. (Though, I'm not sitting in front of a fire *wink*)

 I sit beside the fire and think
of all that I have seen,
of meadow-flowers and butterflies
In summers that have been;

Of yellow leaves and gossamer
in autumns that there were,
with morning mist and silver sun
and wind upon my hair.

I sit beside the fire and think
of how the world will be
when winter comes without a spring
that I shall ever see.

For still there are so many things
that I have never seen:
in every wood in every spring
there is a different green.

I sit beside the fire and think
of people long ago,
and people who will see a world
that I shall never know.

But all the while I sit and think
of times there were before,
I listen for returning feet
and voices at the door.
       ~J.R.R. Tolkien 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Luck O' the Irish!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

I hope you're wearing green ;) Alley, Katie and I are enjoying the day just hanging out with friends, coming up with all things green we could wear, and mostly just enjoying not having anything we need to do.

Did you know that according to Irish fold lore Saint Patrick used the Shamrock as a way to explain the Holy Trinity? I found out this tidbit and I thought was very clever and applicable.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Let's go camping

One Friday evening we decided to make a tent with sheets and blankets in the living room, "camp", and watch movies! We had fun putting it together. Thankfully we had some hooks and wire so it worked out well. Thus the tent was ready, drinks made, and movie started! We stayed up until 2 am watching Jumanji and Bridge To Terabithia. The last movie is so good. I'd not seen it before. Anyways, here are some pictures of our creation. 

Hi there!
This is what it looked like with the tv on, really cool!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Second Sunday in January..

Also officially known as "Katie Day!". We decided to figure out a day to take Katie somewhere to just enjoy the day, rest, have fun together, and take pictures of whatever caught our interest, since Christmas had been such a busy time for her. So we kidnapped her and took the light rail train to downtown Dallas! Thus officially the second sunday of every January from here on out will known as Katie Day, in her honor. =D

The travel on the train takes about 40 minutes so we just chilled, while Alley and Shawn were playing around with (and on) the bars inside the car, using them like monkey bars, then decided to find out if they could get all of the way from one end of the car, climbing.  Hehe, great fun to watch.

What time is it? Time for Katie Day!
Alley threatening the populous of Dallas

We had lunch at Cafe Brazil, where I had their half order of pancakes with fruit. Alley was "spying" on people via her camera ;)

Trying to hitch a ride on the train
Was fun to see the different architecture in the city

 Mad dash across the street =)
 Shawn climbed up one of the transit poles

This was fun to play with! It's solid rock, but floating because of a fountain under it and the water made it spin.
We went underground one point to catch the train
A random sign encouraging people to play on this smallish patch of grass
Michael and Becky on the lawn we're permitted to play on =)
We found the Dallas Museum of Modern Art!
 This bench was curved very interestingly, we took advantage of it ;)
Our own "modern art" session. (We did make the guard nervous while roaming the place. This is the United States of "Don't Touch That", hehe)
Tim's version of Michelangelo's "The Thinker"   
Pretending to push Alley in the reflecting pool =P  We decided that we'd probably had the guard at near heart attack for long enough and so continued on from the museum.. hehe
There are free trolley rides! So we climbed aboard and rode for a while

 Back out on the streets of Dallas and home now =)
Till next time, Dallas!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Winter Season adventures! =D

Well, the post you've been awaiting has come! Let's start off with Fall and Thanksgiving... =)

It was sunny and cool out so we decided to walk around and play outside late afternoon

Wesley decided that he wanted to crawl instead of walk/run =D  Silly Wes...
I called out to Annie and this is how she posed for this picture. So cute! =D
Playing with leaves
 Annie had asked before arriving at her Great Grandparent's if she could have the turkey leg
 Food preparations. Christy and I went over to Grandma's house in the morning to get this all going. We had fun!
In goes the Turkey!
Now for the Christmas Season! (Thus the annual Christmas party pictures) =P

Silly girls... hehe
 The Gang I hang out with 

Here is a glimps of my Canada adventure! And it was certainly an adventure getting there, lemme tell ya.. =P but the Lord brought me safely there. 
I was not without at least one cup of Timmy's while there! =D

 Enjoyed Downtown Niagara on the Lake for an afternoon, a very lovely place

We found a Starbucks!
 Carmel Brulee Latte!

Mom had the brilliant idea of bringing SkipBo cards so we hung out and played for a while
 We had a smattering of snow

Lake Ontario as seen from the freeway
 Fun times together playing Apples to Apples =D
 I was playing with the Christmas tree decor
 Jessica H. made me some very creative cupcakes in celebration of  my 23rd birthday! =D
Thanks Jess, they were wonderful! =D
Hehe, soon after I got back my friends decided to to surprise me with a cake for my birthday, after work. I was going to place something in the microwave, when lo and behold! there was a cake occupying the space! I thought it was a great way to surprise =D

So, there ya have it! I do rather hope it wasn't anti-climactic for you... hehe. These pictures I guess you can say are the highlights *wink*. I had a great winter season full of enjoying family and friends!