Wow, time goes too fast. =)
So, as a write this I am listening to Christmas music. It's almost the Christmas season again! I've had a nice fire in our fireplace two times already as the weather has been chilly now. I always love the holiday time spent with family! It's been fun to think of Christmas. Thanksgiving is just around the corner too so we'll be getting together and enjoy eachother's company with excellent food.
At the moment Katie is in India! She sent me a lovely note and is doing very well. She's been able to see so many things that have changed since she was last there 9 years ago. I can't wait to hear her stories when she get's back!
On October 31 a group of us got together and were dressed up for the fun of it, and we had dinner together. We had plenty of food! =D
This is all of us dressed up. The guys were "gangsta", Bethany was the "southern Belle", Alley a Superhero, and my as Captain Jack Sparrow.
I'm excited to say that I'll be visiting my family for Christmas this year in Canada! =D I'm so glad I get to be there for 2 weeks! It will be lovely to just relax and enjoy the down time of the vacation. I've already been looking around the shops just to see the holiday decor. Today the Sees Candy store and Hickory Farms store opened up with their seasonal treats and I enjoyed the samples. I suppose I am starting rather early... but I'll wait to decorate till at least after Thanksgiving. ;)
I recently got a Fedora and I was having fun with it ;) I love dressing up!
Well, I'll catch you later, with pictures from Thanksgiving celebrations!
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." ~ Romans 8:38-39
"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Poems =)
Have you, my readers, had a chance lately to just sit and immerse yourselves in other worlds by reading poetry? I haven't of late either, I admit. But, here I give you one of my favorites. I'd love to hear what poems you love best!
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost
WO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
- And sorry I could not travel both
- And be one traveler, long I stood
- And looked down one as far as I could
- To where it bent in the undergrowth;
- Then took the other, as just as fair,
- And having perhaps the better claim,
- Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
- Though as for that the passing there
- Had worn them really about the same,
- And both that morning equally lay
- In leaves no step had trodden black.
- Oh, I kept the first for another day!
- Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
- I doubted if I should ever come back.
- I shall be telling this with a sigh
- Somewhere ages and ages hence:
- Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
- I took the one less traveled by,
- And that has made all the difference.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Ok, well have you heard of the game Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego? Just fill in my name and call it "Where in the World is Jessica Emerick?". Haha, I don't know where she is! =P
I have been between work and play during these two months but mostly the former has been happening. Especially these past 3 weeks since I was crazy enough to take on another part-time job, along with my 2 other ones. Yeah, that didn't last long ;) I can only keep up with so much and I learned the hard way. The Lord was able to give me strength while it lasted though. =)
Here are some pictures of some things that I've been able to enjoy these two months! (Those are easier to convey what I've been doing, and pictures are favorites of my readers ;) ) I'll start with the oldest events:
We had a fun time celebrating Annie's 3rd Birthday! She had lots of presents. Grandma and Grandpa, Mom, Katie, Alley, and I were delighted to be able to come celebrate =D
Cupcakes to go with...
Her new play kitchen! So now she can "bake" to her heart's content!
Annie drew this one day =D It's her first lady bug that looked like a lady bug =D
We also celebrated Mom's birthday! We got her a new digital camera and some fun office supplies and decorations. I was soo happy that she was able to visit us for a whole month!
Here is Yours Truly working with a wedding dress tailor, and this is the third job I mentioned. I was sewing on a bustle for one wedding dress here. I appreciated the chance that the seamstress gave me with her. =)
Here is the apartment complex that I live in! I love our view from our patio, especially in the evening.
This is our patio. I have so much fun gradually adding flowers and decorations to it.
I recently bought these Autumn season flowers the little lantern lights on the railing.
Just a preview for how I'm going to decorate this Fall! I can't wait.. =D
YAY! So this bag of loot I got today from Yankee Candle company in the mall! I couldn't believe that they were selling votive candles and tarts for only 1 dollar! I bought 3 tarts and 6 votives.... =D All different scents ready for the Fall and Christmas!
Well! There you have it! The two month review has hit the headlines! =D I'm glad I can update you all! I hope the next post won't be so long in coming. (haha, no pun intended) tee hee hee
I have been between work and play during these two months but mostly the former has been happening. Especially these past 3 weeks since I was crazy enough to take on another part-time job, along with my 2 other ones. Yeah, that didn't last long ;) I can only keep up with so much and I learned the hard way. The Lord was able to give me strength while it lasted though. =)
Here are some pictures of some things that I've been able to enjoy these two months! (Those are easier to convey what I've been doing, and pictures are favorites of my readers ;) ) I'll start with the oldest events:
We had a fun time celebrating Annie's 3rd Birthday! She had lots of presents. Grandma and Grandpa, Mom, Katie, Alley, and I were delighted to be able to come celebrate =D
Cupcakes to go with...
Her new play kitchen! So now she can "bake" to her heart's content!
Annie drew this one day =D It's her first lady bug that looked like a lady bug =D
We also celebrated Mom's birthday! We got her a new digital camera and some fun office supplies and decorations. I was soo happy that she was able to visit us for a whole month!
Here is Yours Truly working with a wedding dress tailor, and this is the third job I mentioned. I was sewing on a bustle for one wedding dress here. I appreciated the chance that the seamstress gave me with her. =)
Here is the apartment complex that I live in! I love our view from our patio, especially in the evening.
This is our patio. I have so much fun gradually adding flowers and decorations to it.
I recently bought these Autumn season flowers the little lantern lights on the railing.
Just a preview for how I'm going to decorate this Fall! I can't wait.. =D
YAY! So this bag of loot I got today from Yankee Candle company in the mall! I couldn't believe that they were selling votive candles and tarts for only 1 dollar! I bought 3 tarts and 6 votives.... =D All different scents ready for the Fall and Christmas!
Well! There you have it! The two month review has hit the headlines! =D I'm glad I can update you all! I hope the next post won't be so long in coming. (haha, no pun intended) tee hee hee
Monday, July 4, 2011
In Congress, July 4th 1776
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness..." - The Declaration of Independence (emphasis mine)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Me oh my
Boy does time fly! A whole month has rolled on by. Where was I when it happened?!
Well, nothing eventful has been going on, just work. =) Through it and "interesting" work scheduling, the Lord has been very faithful in getting me through the days with His touches of grace and love for me. I am so thankful to Him. =) He's been teaching me to continue to trust Him and learn to be more thankful for the days at work that go well, days of fun with friends and family and to just be content. I tend to look on the "dark side" of things when they haven't gone the way I expected and I forget all the things the Lord has blessed me with. I forget to thank Him for the two jobs I have. Not everyone can say they have two jobs and a potential full time job in the works. =) I have been blessed in this way and with family to remind me of the good things that have happened. I am blessed with more than sufficient funds for my needs, I am able to go to church on Sundays, I have time to read God's word, paint, listen to music and read by our pool. These things I need to remember daily. At night before I slept, I used to think through the day and thank the Lord for the good things that happened. This I know needs to begin again. Through all of the daily trials, thankfully the Lord has been teaching me to remember Him, His love, and blessings. =)
Another thing I can thank the Lord for is that I've been able to be a witness for Him. A big answer to prayer! My boss and his wife Diana are very much seeking and desire Christ. I think they are so close to becoming His children. =) I've been able to pray with Diana to encouraging her and lift her heart up when she's sad. She feels that she needs to change and that even though she has a very blessed life, she's missing something. I pray that she will see that Christ is what will give her the joy and peace she's looking for. The Lord has truly blessed her and her family in many ways compared to others! It's amazing to see how all of those blessings have been placed together for this moment in their lives. They both ask many questions, and I pray the Lord can give me His answers. Hehe, I also thank the Lord for Mike and Jessie Johnson, who live in the same apartment building as my boss. They also have been sharing Christ with them and regularly visit. I pray that Mike can answer questions in a better way than I might be able to.=) But, the Lord will use all of us and my boss and his family will be saved!
In other events, I give a great shout for the 4th of July coming up! I am so excited as I love a good time to hang out and celebrate things, whether birthdays or holidays. Anyone who knows me knows I am pretty much like a kid in a candy store when it comes to holiday celebrations, especially the 4th, Christmas and Thanksgiving. I'm so glad I'll be able to spend time with Katie, Alley, and Bethany! There will be another post on the weekend festivities. It might even include pictures! =D Stay tuned!
Well, nothing eventful has been going on, just work. =) Through it and "interesting" work scheduling, the Lord has been very faithful in getting me through the days with His touches of grace and love for me. I am so thankful to Him. =) He's been teaching me to continue to trust Him and learn to be more thankful for the days at work that go well, days of fun with friends and family and to just be content. I tend to look on the "dark side" of things when they haven't gone the way I expected and I forget all the things the Lord has blessed me with. I forget to thank Him for the two jobs I have. Not everyone can say they have two jobs and a potential full time job in the works. =) I have been blessed in this way and with family to remind me of the good things that have happened. I am blessed with more than sufficient funds for my needs, I am able to go to church on Sundays, I have time to read God's word, paint, listen to music and read by our pool. These things I need to remember daily. At night before I slept, I used to think through the day and thank the Lord for the good things that happened. This I know needs to begin again. Through all of the daily trials, thankfully the Lord has been teaching me to remember Him, His love, and blessings. =)
Another thing I can thank the Lord for is that I've been able to be a witness for Him. A big answer to prayer! My boss and his wife Diana are very much seeking and desire Christ. I think they are so close to becoming His children. =) I've been able to pray with Diana to encouraging her and lift her heart up when she's sad. She feels that she needs to change and that even though she has a very blessed life, she's missing something. I pray that she will see that Christ is what will give her the joy and peace she's looking for. The Lord has truly blessed her and her family in many ways compared to others! It's amazing to see how all of those blessings have been placed together for this moment in their lives. They both ask many questions, and I pray the Lord can give me His answers. Hehe, I also thank the Lord for Mike and Jessie Johnson, who live in the same apartment building as my boss. They also have been sharing Christ with them and regularly visit. I pray that Mike can answer questions in a better way than I might be able to.=) But, the Lord will use all of us and my boss and his family will be saved!
In other events, I give a great shout for the 4th of July coming up! I am so excited as I love a good time to hang out and celebrate things, whether birthdays or holidays. Anyone who knows me knows I am pretty much like a kid in a candy store when it comes to holiday celebrations, especially the 4th, Christmas and Thanksgiving. I'm so glad I'll be able to spend time with Katie, Alley, and Bethany! There will be another post on the weekend festivities. It might even include pictures! =D Stay tuned!
Friday, May 20, 2011
"The Merry Merry Month of May"
Yeah, so it's been a while since I've posted, I know.. I've been slacking off.. haha, actually I've had a busy month! (Hmm now that I think of it, I've not said one word since Easter...)
Okay, to start off, I have a new car that the Lord provided for me! It's a red '97 Honda Accord with automatic transmission, a 4 cylinder engine, and a bit of character. It has been officially named Cricket.(Not for any strange noises it makes, so don't worry, it's noise-free) =D The inside needs a radio, but that'll come in due time when I can afford it. It's cup holder is a little loose and the rear window has had window tinting placed by hand so it's a bit bubbly but that is fine by me. I only paid $2,000 dollars for it! When I got home, or rather a day or two later, I pulled out the trusty Amour All and shined it up real good inside and washed the car! I love making cars like new... I still need to get it vacuumed out, but it's actually not bad inside. The owner did vacuum it a bit.
It's now May and the inspection tag was up on the car. Thus a Friday morning I got an early start to get that done. I went to Wal*Mart. "Surely they do inspections still", I thought. Nope. They don't anymore. =) Just tires and oil changes. (I'll log that way for later when I need those done.) "Hm, okay so I can just call Katie to see if she can look up a place online that does inspections". Well, I'd left my cell phone in the apartment! (More on that later). "Alright I'll see if I can get into the apartment complex to get my phone". I drove over and the gates were closed. I don't have a gate opener yet because I've not wanted to pay the $50 dollars to have one. (It'll happen soon I promise! ;) Just want to pay car things first. Usually someone's going in or out so I can enter anyway). Now it's around 10:30ish and so I headed over to the GFA office to talk to Katie about an inspection place. We called up Firestone and the mechanic said "Yes we do State inspections! C'mon over". Yay! I drove over and asked about it and he said there was a good 2 or 3 hour wait. Wow! Not too unexpected though. But as Firestone isn't close to any hang out place and me with no cell phone to let Katie know what I'd be up to, I said I'd come later. Now I thought to try getting back into the Apartment complex. On the way I remembered there was a oil changing/tune up place right off of Old Denton road. I pulled in and asked. He said they do inspections! "Yes, finally!", I thought. I asked to borrow a phone and called Katie to let her know I was successful in my quest. And my car has now been inspected and has passed! Thankfully the mechanic told me I needed to get a lug nut before the inspection so that it would pass. I traveled over to O'Reily's Auto store in the Colony and bought one. I remembered on my way back that there's another (way closer) store just on Josey Lane..hehe. And that is the story of me trying to get my new car inspected. Fun stuff! ;) We'll see how tire and oil change turns out. In the end I was able to get my phone out of the apartment. Just took timing. =)
That brings me to another thing that I've been up to. I have finally moved in to the apartment with Katie and Jessie! =D We are so glad to be living together. We're all pretty easy going and have similar expectations, so it's all good. Our schedules are totally different so we don't see each other that often, but that's alright. =) Soon I hope I can buy some photo frames but at the moment I'm focused on I'm excited for the apartment complex pool to be opening in two weeks! Yes! Swimming on Sunday's after work are an order for me! =D It's free!
Other than these things, I've been working like crazy. =) Oh yes, I haven't mentioned that I now work two jobs. Sonic Drive In during the day as a Carhop and Quiznos Subs at night. Quite busy weeks I've had these days as I work 7 days a week usually. But, I was able to join part of a Friday Night prayer meeting after work one day! =D (That was after Josh was able to rescue my flat tire at work. He had a spare tire, so I borrow his til the next day when he took the car over to a place for my tire to be repaired). =D Thank you, Josh!
Here's my car Cricket! =D
Well I better get some sleep now... =D I'm glad I can update you all!
Okay, to start off, I have a new car that the Lord provided for me! It's a red '97 Honda Accord with automatic transmission, a 4 cylinder engine, and a bit of character. It has been officially named Cricket.(Not for any strange noises it makes, so don't worry, it's noise-free) =D The inside needs a radio, but that'll come in due time when I can afford it. It's cup holder is a little loose and the rear window has had window tinting placed by hand so it's a bit bubbly but that is fine by me. I only paid $2,000 dollars for it! When I got home, or rather a day or two later, I pulled out the trusty Amour All and shined it up real good inside and washed the car! I love making cars like new... I still need to get it vacuumed out, but it's actually not bad inside. The owner did vacuum it a bit.
It's now May and the inspection tag was up on the car. Thus a Friday morning I got an early start to get that done. I went to Wal*Mart. "Surely they do inspections still", I thought. Nope. They don't anymore. =) Just tires and oil changes. (I'll log that way for later when I need those done.) "Hm, okay so I can just call Katie to see if she can look up a place online that does inspections". Well, I'd left my cell phone in the apartment! (More on that later). "Alright I'll see if I can get into the apartment complex to get my phone". I drove over and the gates were closed. I don't have a gate opener yet because I've not wanted to pay the $50 dollars to have one. (It'll happen soon I promise! ;) Just want to pay car things first. Usually someone's going in or out so I can enter anyway). Now it's around 10:30ish and so I headed over to the GFA office to talk to Katie about an inspection place. We called up Firestone and the mechanic said "Yes we do State inspections! C'mon over". Yay! I drove over and asked about it and he said there was a good 2 or 3 hour wait. Wow! Not too unexpected though. But as Firestone isn't close to any hang out place and me with no cell phone to let Katie know what I'd be up to, I said I'd come later. Now I thought to try getting back into the Apartment complex. On the way I remembered there was a oil changing/tune up place right off of Old Denton road. I pulled in and asked. He said they do inspections! "Yes, finally!", I thought. I asked to borrow a phone and called Katie to let her know I was successful in my quest. And my car has now been inspected and has passed! Thankfully the mechanic told me I needed to get a lug nut before the inspection so that it would pass. I traveled over to O'Reily's Auto store in the Colony and bought one. I remembered on my way back that there's another (way closer) store just on Josey Lane..hehe. And that is the story of me trying to get my new car inspected. Fun stuff! ;) We'll see how tire and oil change turns out. In the end I was able to get my phone out of the apartment. Just took timing. =)
That brings me to another thing that I've been up to. I have finally moved in to the apartment with Katie and Jessie! =D We are so glad to be living together. We're all pretty easy going and have similar expectations, so it's all good. Our schedules are totally different so we don't see each other that often, but that's alright. =) Soon I hope I can buy some photo frames but at the moment I'm focused on I'm excited for the apartment complex pool to be opening in two weeks! Yes! Swimming on Sunday's after work are an order for me! =D It's free!
Other than these things, I've been working like crazy. =) Oh yes, I haven't mentioned that I now work two jobs. Sonic Drive In during the day as a Carhop and Quiznos Subs at night. Quite busy weeks I've had these days as I work 7 days a week usually. But, I was able to join part of a Friday Night prayer meeting after work one day! =D (That was after Josh was able to rescue my flat tire at work. He had a spare tire, so I borrow his til the next day when he took the car over to a place for my tire to be repaired). =D Thank you, Josh!
Here's my car Cricket! =D
Well I better get some sleep now... =D I'm glad I can update you all!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
He's Alive!!
(My favorite Easter song)
The gates and doors were barred
And all the windows fastened down
I spent the night in sleeplessness
And rose at every sound
Half in hopeless sorrow
And half in fear the day
Would find the soldiers breakin' through
To drag us all away
And just before the sunrise
I heard something at the wall
The gate began to rattle
And a voice began to call
I hurried to the window
Looked down into the street
Expecting swords and torches
And the sound of soldiers' feet
But there was no one there but Mary
So I went down to let her in
John stood there beside me
As she told me where she'd been
She said they might have moved Him in the night
And none of us knows where
The stone's been rolled away
And now His body isn't there
We both ran toward the garden
Then John ran on ahead
We found the stone and empty tomb
Just the way that Mary said
But the winding sheet they wrapped Him in
Was just an empty shell
And how or where they'd taken Him
Was more than I could tell
Oh something strange had happened there
Just what I did not know
John believed a miracle
But I just turned to go
Circumstance and speculation
Couldn't lift me very high
'Cause I'd seen them crucify him
Then I saw him die
Back inside the house again
The guilt and anguish came
Everything I'd promised Him
Just added to my shame
When at last it came to choices
I denied I knew His name
And even if He was alive
It wouldn't be the same
But suddenly the air was filled
With a strange and sweet perfume
Light that came from everywhere
Drove the shadows from the room
And Jesus stood before me
With his arms held open wide
And I fell down on my knees
And I just clung to Him and cried
Then He raised me to my feet
And as I looked into His eyes
The love was shining out from Him
Like sunlight from the skies
Guilt in my confusion
Dissappeared in sweet release
And every fear I'd ever had
Just melted into peace
He's alive yes He's alive
Yes He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive yes He's alive
Oh He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive yes He's alive
Hallelujah He's alive
He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive He's alive He's alive
I believe it He's alive
The gates and doors were barred
And all the windows fastened down
I spent the night in sleeplessness
And rose at every sound
Half in hopeless sorrow
And half in fear the day
Would find the soldiers breakin' through
To drag us all away
And just before the sunrise
I heard something at the wall
The gate began to rattle
And a voice began to call
I hurried to the window
Looked down into the street
Expecting swords and torches
And the sound of soldiers' feet
But there was no one there but Mary
So I went down to let her in
John stood there beside me
As she told me where she'd been
She said they might have moved Him in the night
And none of us knows where
The stone's been rolled away
And now His body isn't there
We both ran toward the garden
Then John ran on ahead
We found the stone and empty tomb
Just the way that Mary said
But the winding sheet they wrapped Him in
Was just an empty shell
And how or where they'd taken Him
Was more than I could tell
Oh something strange had happened there
Just what I did not know
John believed a miracle
But I just turned to go
Circumstance and speculation
Couldn't lift me very high
'Cause I'd seen them crucify him
Then I saw him die
Back inside the house again
The guilt and anguish came
Everything I'd promised Him
Just added to my shame
When at last it came to choices
I denied I knew His name
And even if He was alive
It wouldn't be the same
But suddenly the air was filled
With a strange and sweet perfume
Light that came from everywhere
Drove the shadows from the room
And Jesus stood before me
With his arms held open wide
And I fell down on my knees
And I just clung to Him and cried
Then He raised me to my feet
And as I looked into His eyes
The love was shining out from Him
Like sunlight from the skies
Guilt in my confusion
Dissappeared in sweet release
And every fear I'd ever had
Just melted into peace
He's alive yes He's alive
Yes He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive yes He's alive
Oh He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive yes He's alive
Hallelujah He's alive
He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive He's alive He's alive
I believe it He's alive
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Lord showed me these things in His Word tonight and while listening to Jeremy Camp
"You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is the the fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore" ~ Psalms 16:11.
This I had searched for because lately I've not felt like my normal jovial self and that makes me rather disconcerted. I don't like the feeling and that's when I know something is not right. So I went to the Lord and He showed these to me: Joy is not found in things I do, like or buy that I might think will make me happy. The joy I search for is found in His presence, rejoicing with worship, and meditating on His Word and most of all on and in Him! Thus this next verse from the Lord:
"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" ~ Isaiah 40:31.
So, all in all, being in His presence is to wait upon Him. How to wait upon the Lord is through reading His Word. Thus my joy is always going to be found in Him and I will be strengthened through it to continue giving 200% or more for my jobs, even if it goes unnoticed that I am giving my all. The Lord sees it! "And that is an encouraging thought" (To quote Gandalf) *wink* =D
Romans 10:17 says "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God". This makes me even more inclined to want to read His Word so as to have more faith and trust in Him! He has certainly created an amazing relationship for us all!
In the end, I say now "Thank you Lord for Your love, encouragement, and You!"
Goodnight all =)
"You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is the the fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore" ~ Psalms 16:11.
This I had searched for because lately I've not felt like my normal jovial self and that makes me rather disconcerted. I don't like the feeling and that's when I know something is not right. So I went to the Lord and He showed these to me: Joy is not found in things I do, like or buy that I might think will make me happy. The joy I search for is found in His presence, rejoicing with worship, and meditating on His Word and most of all on and in Him! Thus this next verse from the Lord:
"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" ~ Isaiah 40:31.
So, all in all, being in His presence is to wait upon Him. How to wait upon the Lord is through reading His Word. Thus my joy is always going to be found in Him and I will be strengthened through it to continue giving 200% or more for my jobs, even if it goes unnoticed that I am giving my all. The Lord sees it! "And that is an encouraging thought" (To quote Gandalf) *wink* =D
Romans 10:17 says "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God". This makes me even more inclined to want to read His Word so as to have more faith and trust in Him! He has certainly created an amazing relationship for us all!
In the end, I say now "Thank you Lord for Your love, encouragement, and You!"
Goodnight all =)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Unexpected Surprise... =D
When I arrived home from work tonight, I found this waiting for me to open =D
It was flowers, beautifully packaged, just for me!! =D
Who were they from?!
From my wonderfully lovely and sweet Mom and Dad!! =D
Here are the beautiful flowers! =D Thank you Mom and Dad, I love you so much!!
It was flowers, beautifully packaged, just for me!! =D
Who were they from?!
From my wonderfully lovely and sweet Mom and Dad!! =D
Here are the beautiful flowers! =D Thank you Mom and Dad, I love you so much!!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
This song I've not heard in a very long time, but the Lord brought it to memory today. Yesterday Danny was sharing about fear and replace those fears I have with the Lords promises. Again and again the Lord has said in His Word not to fear, but have courage for He is always with us no matter what is going on. The song is very powerful and helped me to continue be resolute in trusting the Lord and surrender my will to Him.
Stand - Susan Ashton
With visible breath, I'm calling your name
With visible tracks, I'm finding my way
With a sorrowful heart, I honor this pain
And offer these tears to the rain
In a moment of truth at the top of the hill
I open my arms and let go of my will
And stand with my face to the wind
With the storm beating down on this sacred ground
If I stand for the grace that I've known
For what I believe
Then I won't stand alone
No I won't stand alone
There's a new pair of eyes to embrace all I see
A new peice of mind and it comes quietly
There's a joy in my heart that you've given to me
And I offer this soul's melody
So I beat on my chest till my song has been sung
And I cry like a wolf at the top of my lungs
And stand with my face to the wind
With the storm beating down on this sacred ground
If I stand for the grace that I've known
For what I believe
Then I won't stand alone
No I won't stand alone
When the thundering voices of doubt try to shake my faith, oh
I'll be listening from inside out and I won't be afraid to
Stand with my face to the wind
With the storm beating down on this sacred ground
If I stand for the grace that I've known
For what I believe
Then I won't stand alone
No I won't stand...I won't stand alone
I greatly encourage you to hear the music for this song. It's absolutely beautiful! Here's a link!
Stand - Susan Ashton
With visible breath, I'm calling your name
With visible tracks, I'm finding my way
With a sorrowful heart, I honor this pain
And offer these tears to the rain
In a moment of truth at the top of the hill
I open my arms and let go of my will
And stand with my face to the wind
With the storm beating down on this sacred ground
If I stand for the grace that I've known
For what I believe
Then I won't stand alone
No I won't stand alone
There's a new pair of eyes to embrace all I see
A new peice of mind and it comes quietly
There's a joy in my heart that you've given to me
And I offer this soul's melody
So I beat on my chest till my song has been sung
And I cry like a wolf at the top of my lungs
And stand with my face to the wind
With the storm beating down on this sacred ground
If I stand for the grace that I've known
For what I believe
Then I won't stand alone
No I won't stand alone
When the thundering voices of doubt try to shake my faith, oh
I'll be listening from inside out and I won't be afraid to
Stand with my face to the wind
With the storm beating down on this sacred ground
If I stand for the grace that I've known
For what I believe
Then I won't stand alone
No I won't stand...I won't stand alone
I greatly encourage you to hear the music for this song. It's absolutely beautiful! Here's a link!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Of Naan and Butter Chicken
Yesterday was Katie's birthday! =D Christy made a wonderful Indian dinner of homemade Naan and Butter Chicken! I decided to take some pictures of the amazing preparation and the meal completed.
Voila, and Enjoy!
Voila, and Enjoy!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
A Study in Icicles
Today the sun was shining, making the snow melt on the roof, so I took these fantabulous pictures of the icicles! So fun!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wonderful snow! =D
Here's some ice that was on the front door
I love making photos look old fashoned!
I was having fun with my shadow, and reflection in the snow and door
So, here's to real snow days!
I love making photos look old fashoned!
I was having fun with my shadow, and reflection in the snow and door
So, here's to real snow days!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Inspiration =D
I love inspiration... =D Thanks to my pal at , I have been inspired to experiment with panoramic photos! Here are two took today.
(you can click on the photos for a closer view)
(you can click on the photos for a closer view)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Christmas Happenings!
I had a great Christmas this year! The whole family was able to get together at my Grandparents house! That hasn't happened in many many years! Mom and Patrick were able to come down too! Yay! We all had lots and lots of fun. Thanks to Aunt Kathy, here are some pictures!
Cousins and Grandparents! =D
We all had fun at Bass Pro shop
Lindsey and Annie
Mom and Wesley =D
I had a lovely time at the GFA Christmas party this year as well. =)
P.S - Happy New Years everyone!!
Cousins and Grandparents! =D
We all had fun at Bass Pro shop
Lindsey and Annie
Mom and Wesley =D
I had a lovely time at the GFA Christmas party this year as well. =)
P.S - Happy New Years everyone!!
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