"Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The City Scene

Ever wondered what the city life was like in downtown? Well.. let me introduce you to the city of Toronto! Smack dab in da center it looks like this:

These are apartments, and there were cranes around too.

One area where we had lunch sorta looked like this, lots of people, kind of like a mall.

Did you ever question (when you see a scene from NY) if there are really that many people? Well, it was exactly this at 4 pm in the afternoon on each corner! I fully believe that NY could be worse than Toronto.

Now, I didn't take these pictures, but I found these to show you a small bit of the City. Gilbert, Barb, and I were in downtown for an Adobe Creative Suite 4 class. We'll be going again next Friday.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The ground has been swept from under us

The US has no idea what will happen in the next 4 years.

But, it is always darkest before the dawn.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

One Fish, Two Fish

Three fish, four fish!

Mom and Dad came home on Saturday bearing a very unexpected gift. Four little Neon Tetra fishes! And they have a nice 5 gallon tank with some aquarium accessories. Wait, there's more! I even have a PetSmart Pet Perks card! So, when I get stuff at the store, I can get it cheaper. ;) I never thought that they'd end up bringing that home one day. Now, these little fish in the picture is not my own, but I wanted to show you what they look like.

Friday, January 9, 2009


It was a cold and snowy day... Jessica was sitting on the floor in the uncomfortably chilled storage room for hours counting boxes and stacks of brochures.

Until 4pm. She had finally completed with one set of cupboards and could go in to the wonderfully warm Gym and count the book boxes! Spread sheet, calculator, and pencil in hand, she gladly left the "ice box".

This has been "A Day in the Life of a Rubberducky". Tune in next time. I am Miss Sparrow, signing off.

(hehe! =D i was happy to help Barb out, she was busy with other things. maybe on monday we'll be able to finish inventory all up)